Kerry Kelly
Title: Associate Professor
Title: Associate Professor
I lead the KairLab, and we are looking for talented students to join our team.

Kamaljeet Kaur
Title: Postdoctoral Fellow, Chemical Engineering
Title: Postdoctoral Fellow, Chemical Engineering
Kamaljeet received B. Tech. and M. Tech. degrees in chemical engineering from IIT Kanpur, Kanpur, India, in 2015 and a Ph.D. degree in chemical engineering at the University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA in 2022. Her current research focuses on linking the physicochemical properties such as size, shape, and chemical composition of combustion particles with health effects.

Tristalee Mangin
Title: Project Manager and Graduate Student, Chemical Engineering
Title: Project Manager and Graduate Student, Chemical Engineering
Tristalee is pursuing a Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering. She is working on the SmartAir project which intends to reduce local vehicle engine idling pollution using a dynamic, real-time display incorporating air quality, engine idling statistics, and a community crafted message. Her focus is acquiring, testing, and calibrating low-cost sensors and conducting laboratory and field validation of the SmartAir sensor package. She is also managing our NSF CIVIC innovation project.

Md. Tanvir Ahmed
Title: Graduate Student, Chemical Engineering
Title: Graduate Student, Chemical Engineering
Tanvir is currently pursuing his Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering. His research focuses on understanding the impact of bioaerosol collection methods on virus viability as well as virus prevalence and viability in hospital settings.

Andrew Coda
Title: Undergraduate Graduate Student, Chemical Engineering
Title: Undergraduate Graduate Student, Chemical Engineering
Andrew is currently finishing is undergraduate degree in Chemical Engineering. Andrew is working on developing teaching modules to assist students understand how air quality sensors work.

Aaron Hanson
Title: Undergraduate Graduate Student, Chemical Engineering
Title: Undergraduate Graduate Student, Chemical Engineering
Aaron is currently finishing is undergraduate degree in Chemical Engineering. Aaron is working on air quality sensor quality assurance, calibration and data analysis.

Fiona Hope
Title: Graduate Student, Chemical Engineering
Title: Graduate Student, Chemical Engineering
Fiona is currently pursuing his Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering. Her research focuses on understanding the links between indoor air quality and energy efficiency.

Alex Mass
Title: Undergraduate Graduate Student, Chemical Engineering
Title: Undergraduate Graduate Student, Chemical Engineering
Alex is currently finishing is undergraduate degree in Chemical Engineering. Alex is working on understanding indoor air quality on our campus.

Anne Meng
Title: Undergraduate Graduate Student, Chemical Engineering
Title: Undergraduate Graduate Student, Chemical Engineering
Aaron is currently finishing is undergraduate degree in Chemical Engineering. Aaron is working on air quality sensor quality assurance, calibration and data analysis.

Colin Schermerhorn
Title: Undergraduate Graduate Student, Chemical Engineering
Title: Undergraduate Graduate Student, Chemical Engineering
Colin is currently finishing is undergraduate degree in Chemical Engineering. Colin is working on understanding indoor air quality on our campus as well as serving as a leader on the award-winning Chemical Engineering outreach team.

Zheyuan Pei
Title: Graduate Student, Chemical Engineering
Title: Graduate Student, Chemical Engineering
Zheyuan is pursuing his Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering. He is currently working on the project “Community-Engaged, Sensor Network for Identifying Air Pollution Sources.” His work focuses on the laboratory and field validation of nanofiber sensors, data acquisition, and data analysis.